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Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
Company equipment, HH

The company offers equipment-NN measuring instruments and spare parts manufacturing company Lviv instrument-making plant, as well as gas analyzers, water meters, measuring devices and pressure control, level and temperature.

Phone: +7 (831) 421-43-89; +7 (831) 433-04-81.

Address: 603000, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Timiryazev, 15 - 6 (map)


Sale of water meters, water meters for sale. Low prices. Quality Measurement and wholesale, including power meter, distance meter, multimeter, Ohmmeter, level, the tester and so on.

Phone: +7 (831) 2776730

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Sovnarkomovskaya, 2, of. 3 (map)


For sale at wholesale prices: heat meters, water meters, pressure gauges, thermometers, heaters and steam vodovodyanye and much more.

Phone: +7 (4752) 72-23-37

Address: Tambov, st. Moscow, on 10 V (map)

Water meters Murom. All Murom water meters vendors are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a company that sells water meters in Murom or Murom region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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